Health & Fitness

June 2025

PASC members save the $1 participation fee in most programs. Non-members are welcome, but do pay the program participation fee at each visit. Purchase a membership today and Save.

Chair ExerciseMon, 2nd
9:00 AM
Wed, 4th
9:00 AM
Fri, 6th
9:00 AM
Mon, 9th
9:00 AM
Wed, 11th
9:00 AM
Fri, 13th
9:00 AM
Mon, 16th
9:00 AM
Wed, 18th
9:00 AM
Fri, 20th
9:00 AM
Mon, 23rd
9:00 AM
Wed, 25th
9:00 AM
Fri, 27th
9:00 AM
Mon, 30th
9:00 AM

T'ai Chi for SeniorsMon, 2nd
9:00 AM
Mon, 9th
9:00 AM
Mon, 16th
9:00 AM
Mon, 23rd
9:00 AM
Mon, 30th
9:00 AM